Wonderland Educare
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Terms & Conditions

  1. Your acceptance of these terms and conditions will constitute a legally binding agreement between you and the Bevman Creche Services CC t/a Wonderland Educare (“this Agreement”). By registering yourself with the Wonderland Educare  website, you are agreeing to be bound by the “terms and conditions”, the “use and storage of credit card data” and “retention of information notice” of this Agreement, which are outlined below.

  2. You hereby grant to Wonderland Educare the right to use the personal information provided by you for the purpose of developing and providing you with information about  Wonderland Educare  (the “ECD centre”).

  3. You grant such rights to Wonderland Educare  in terms of this Agreement on our website and you acknowledge and agree to the terms as set out by Wonderland Educare.

  4. You agree to provide Wonderland Educare with your contact information including your name, address, e-mail and telephone number as well as your financial information including credit card number and expiration date, as well as the CVV number, which information you warrant to be personal to you and both true and correct.

  5. You acknowledge and accept that you may only use this website to browse the content and you agree to refrain from using this site for any other purposes, including without limitation, to make a speculative, fraudulent or false purchase or purchases. This website and the content provided in this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed. ‘Deep linking,’ ‘embedding’ or using analogous technology is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of this site and/or the materials contained in this site may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws and/or rights held by Wonderland Educare.

  6. You agree to release and hereby indemnify Wonderland Educare from and against any and all losses, claims and demands arising out of or in connection with this website or further  use of your personal information in connection with the website, including without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, infringement of your right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or proprietary rights, and you agree not to assert any such claims.

  7. You warrant that you have the legal capacity (i.e. you are at least 18 years old) and authority to grant to Wondrland Educare the right to use your personal information in connection with this website and that Wonderland Educare’s exercise of such rights will not violate or infringe any rights of any third party.                                                            
  8. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of South Africa whose courts will have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute, unless Wonderland Educare wishes to institute or pursue legal proceedings in a jurisdiction outside of South Africa.
  9. To the extent allowable by legislation, the content of this site and the information provided to you  is provided without any warranty, either express or implied. Save as is otherwise prescribed by legislation, neither Wonderland Educare,  the owner of this site, the authors of these contents and in general anybody connected to this site in any way, do not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in these contents and shall not be liable for any direct, general, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including data loss, lost revenue and lost profit) which may result from the inability to use or the correct or incorrect use, abuse or misuse of these contents.



You agree that your personal contact and credit card information can be kept and used by Wonderland Educare solely for the purpose of concluding further transactions where the use  is purchased by you from our website. Wonderland Educare will only use your stored credit card data.



You agree that your personal contact and financial information can be retained and used by Wonderland Educare solely for the purpose of concluding further transactions.



GDPR Policy 

Here at Wonderland Educare  we recognize the importance of your privacy and the rights and obligations under the EU legislation, the famous GDPR. We don’t just want to tell you what we do with your information; we want you to actually understand how and why we process data and what you can do about it. We tried to explain things in layman's terms whenever there was an actual need to use overly legal terminology, but if at any point in time you are not sure about how we handle your information, please do not hesitate to reach us at support@conversiobot.com.

We use third-party service providers for some of our services and we have detailed Data Processing Agreements (“DPA”) with all of them prior to giving them any information. For the full list of data processors please contact us at support@conversiobot.com.

We implemented security measure for both “offline” and digital behavior. We made sure that employees know not to leave information unprotected and not to expose or create any vulnerability in the systems. We approach your data with extreme care and if we process information on your behalf we will comply with the instructions for processing to the letter. Furthermore, we will provide you with assistance with your Data Protection Impact Assessment and allow you to audit the processing of the data on your behalf under applicable Data Processing Agreement.

If you are looking to sign a Data Processing Agreement with us, please let us know at  bgent@wol.co.za



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